When healthy neurons are exposed to toxins or physiological insults such as ischemia, apoptosis is often initiated. Once underway, this mechanistically-well described process was thought to routinely run its course with the disintegration of the cell and phagocytosis of the debris. Within the last decade, the consistency of this process has been questioned. It is now known that some damaged cells can recover, i.e., they avoid death; this restoration process is referred to as anastasis. The reestablishment of a healthy cell phenotype is highly energy-requiring, so optimally functioning mitochondria are obviously beneficial during the regenerative process. Some healthy mitochondria that end up in regenerating cells are transferred there by adjacent healthier cells through tunneling nanotubes. Tunneling nanotubes generally form under stressful conditions when these micron-size tubules link adjacent cells. These tubules transfer soluble factors and organelles, including mitochondria, between the connected cells. When damaged cells receive high APT-producing mitochondria via this means, they support the ability of the cells to recover. Two recent comprehensive publications show that melatonin aids the transfer of mitochondria through nanotubes that connect neurons thereby likely assisting the recovery of the damaged recipient cell. Thus, melatonin not only protects normal neurons from damage by neutralizing the agents that initiate apoptosis, e.g., free radicals, etc., but also reverses this process once it is underway.