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Convocatoria Reino Unido, Fondo para la Investigación en Retos Globales (GRCF): Challenge Clusters

General information

El GCRF, Fondo para la Investigación en Retos Globales del gobierno del Reino Unido tiene un presupuesto de 1,500 millones de libras esterlinas para apoyar investigación que aborde desafíos de países en desarrollo. El Fondo abrió la convocatoria para la creación de consorcios “Challenge Clusters” para financiar propuestas de investigación que reúnan dos o más proyectos que actual o anteriormente se han financiado por el Fondo, y presenten nuevas maneras de abordar grandes retos globales que no parecen tener solución. Los colaboradores de los proyectos pueden incluir empresas privadas, organizaciones del tercer sector por ejemplo, organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) u organismos públicos, asociaciones filantrópicas, departamentos gubernamentales, gobiernos locales y autoridades reguladoras, entre otros.

Se pueden consultar los más de 800 proyectos que el GCRF ha financiado para identificar la creación de posibles consorcios y desarrollar los proyectos de investigación. Esta convocatoria parte del hecho de que por sí solo, cada proyecto no puede abordar los grandes desafíos globales por lo que se alienta la creación de propuestas acordes con los principios de asistencia oficial para el desarrollo (ODA) de toda la gama de disciplinas académicas. En México existen 24 proyectos financiados. Al final de este aviso podrá ver la lista de los mismos pero le invitamos a revisar la plataforma con todos los proyectos pues podría identificar otros de su interés y proponer la ampliación del proyecto al territorio mexicano.  

La convocatoria prevé dos etapas. La primera aportará fondos iniciales hasta por £150 mil libras esterlinas por proyecto (20 proyectos aproximadamente) y hasta por 12 meses. Tras evaluar los resultados de la primera etapa, se asignarán fondos que pueden ser entre £ 1 millón a  £2 millones de libras esterlinas, para 6 a 8 proyectos durante los siguientes tres años.

Fecha límite: 24 de septiembre de 2019.

Para mayor información consulte:

Lista de proyectos financiados para México. 


Challenge Area

Full Name UK (PI)

Project Title

Research Organisation

            Grant           Reference


Reduce conflict and promote peace, justice and humanitarian action

Shadi Whitburn

Working around drug war-torn communities on the U.S.-Mexico border

University of Edinburgh



Reduce poverty and inequality, including gender inequalities

Frido Wenten

Reinventing the wheel? Convergence and divergence in the global automotive industry and its labour relations in China and Mexico

School of Oriental & African Studies



Sustainable livelihoods supported by strong foundations for inclusive economic growth and innovation

Frido Wenten

Reinventing the wheel? Convergence and divergence in the global automotive industry and its labour relations in China and Mexico

School of Oriental & African Studies



Sustainable production and consumption of materials and other resources

Frido Wenten

Reinventing the wheel? Convergence and divergence in the global automotive industry and its labour relations in China and Mexico

School of Oriental & African Studies



Inclusive and equitable quality education

Dr Lucy Bell

Precarious Publishing in Latin America: Relations, meaning and community in movement

University of Surrey



Reduce conflict and promote peace, justice and humanitarian action

Professor Mark Philp

Constructions of Public Office (HN)

University of Warwick



Reduce poverty and inequality, including gender inequalities

Dr Julia McClure

Poverty Research Network

University of Warwick



Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change

Dr Lucy Bell

Precarious Publishing in Latin America: Relations, meaning and community in movement

University of Surrey



Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change

Dr Henrice Altink

Risk and Resilience in the coastal Caribbean

University of York



Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable marine resources and agriculture

Professor Mark Sterling

Understanding and reducing lodging in maize and rice.

University of Birmingham



Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change

Dr Robert Edwards

Flood Prediction using real time sensing Emergency Water Information Networks over mobile phone networks and WiFi (EWIN)

Loughborough University



Sustainable cities and communities

Dr Robert Edwards

Flood Prediction using real time sensing Emergency Water Information Networks over mobile phone networks and WiFi (EWIN)

Loughborough University



Reduce conflict and promote peace, justice and humanitarian action

Dr Prabha Kotiswaran

Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: Towards Decent Work for All

King's College London



Reduce poverty and inequality, including gender inequalities

Dr Prabha Kotiswaran

Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: Towards Decent Work for All

King's College London



Sustainable livelihoods supported by strong foundations for inclusive economic growth and innovation

Dr Prabha Kotiswaran

Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: Towards Decent Work for All

King's College London



Sustainable health and well being

Ian Roberts

The CRASH-3 Trial: Tranexamic acid for the treatment of significant traumatic brain injury.

London Sch of Hygiene and Trop Medicine



Sustainable health and well being

Professor Neil Pearce

Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown cause (CKDu) in disadvantaged communities in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs)

London Sch of Hygiene and Trop Medicine



Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change

Professor Sarah Elizabeth Metcalfe

From mangrove to milpa: what determines resilience to extreme weather events in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico?

University of Nottingham



Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable marine resources and agriculture

Professor Sarah Elizabeth Metcalfe

From mangrove to milpa: what determines resilience to extreme weather events in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico?

University of Nottingham



Clean air, water and sanitation

Professor John Byrne

GCRF - Low cost technologies for safe drinking water in developing regions (SAFEWATER)

University of Ulster



Resilience and action on short-term environmental shocks and long-term environmental change

Dr Catherine Brooksbank

Capacity building for bioinformatics in Latin America

EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute



Secure and resilient food systems supported by sustainable marine resources and agriculture

Dr Catherine Brooksbank

Capacity building for bioinformatics in Latin America

EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute



Sustainable health and well being

Dr Catherine Brooksbank

Capacity building for bioinformatics in Latin America

EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute



Sustainable health and well being

Professor Martin Knapp

STRiDE: Strengthening responses to dementia in developing countries (GCRF)

London School of Economics & Pol Sci
