Almost 10% of women in reproductive age had a chronic disease, and contraception is frequently ignored by these patients. The lack of use of contraceptives methods has a higher repercussion in these patients; if pregnant, the risk is increased in morbidity and feto-maternal mortality. to know the contraceptive coverage in women with chronic degenerative diseases, the kind of contraceptive methods and the unsatisfied demand. A descriptive study was made with the application of a survey from the one elaborated by the IMSS. It explores contraception socio-demographic data, causes of non-protection and also explores Medical Doctor (MD) participation. Sample size was calculated in 385 women in reproductive age with a chronic disease. 428 women about 30-49 years old were interviewed, 53% of them were married, they had various diseases, the contraceptive coverage was 84%. The definitive methods were the most used with 47%, followed by the condom with 20%, intrauterine device with 13% and others in minor proportion. 38.5% of patients with sexual life have risk of pregnancy for lack of use of method or for using one of low effectiveness and continuity. Of 45 (16%) patients with sexual life that did not use methods, 29% because they wish pregnancy, 18% by collateral effects and the rest for other causes. From this same patients 21 wished getting pregnant and 24 did not, this is an unsatisfied demand of 53%. The MD's informed about risks in case of pregnancy of 83.4% of the patients. The contraceptive coverage is low and the unsatisfied demand is higher than in the general population. It requires the effective participation of health personal in this group of high reproductive risk.