Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital malformations. Few studies have explored the association of age at time of surgery and the occurrence of complications after hypospadias repair. Determine whether age at hypospadias repair is a risk factor for development of complications. Retrospective cohort of patients with hypospadias repair in one surgical time. The data included: age, type of hypospadias, surgical technique and complications presented. The monitoring was conducted for six months after the surgery. Patients were classified according to age group A less than 24 months, group B from 24 to 48 months and group C over 48 months. We calculated the relative risk and confidence intervals of 95%. 170 patients were included in the analysis. The incidence of complications was 24.1%, the most frequent complication was urethrocutaneous fistula (52.2%). The median age in months of the complication group was 40.8 (6-196), whereas in the group without complications was 37.5 (6-196). Age was not associated with an increased risk for complications, group B (RR= 0.975 [95% CI 0.374-2.547]), and group C (RR= 0.966 [95% CI 0.386-2.416]) when compared with group A. Age at time of surgery for hypospadias correction in one phase is not associated with complications.