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Centro de Investigación

Sprague-Dawley male rats, fed with a tryptophan-deficient and 8% protein corn-based diet were compared with a group of animals fed with 8% protein alone, and with a group fed with Chow Purina containing 23% protein. Retardation of Bergmann glial cell maturation and a concomitant retardation in granule cell migration were observed in the corn-fed group at 21 days. At 30 days of age, the dendrites of granule cells of both hypoproteic and corn-fed groups were larger than those of the Chow-fed animals. At 60 days of age, dendritic arborization of Purkinje cells was more profuse in both the hypoproteic and corn-fed rats compared with the Chow-fed group. This retardation in granule cell migration could be partially due to Bergmann glial cell immaturity. Consequently, several plastic and maybe compensatory events in both granule and Purkinje cells could have occurred, due to tryptophan deficiency resulting from the corn-based diet.

González Burgos J.


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