Four cases of transplant to the brain (striatum) of the ventral mesencephalic area (VMA) and three adrenal glands (A) to patients with Parkinson's disease are described as a new alternative for the improvement of this disease. The patients who received VMA showed a very significant improvement in the rigidity, bradykinesia, alterations in walking and posture, as well as the facial expression. Three of the four patients have returned to work. The group that received A tissue, showed a discreet improvement in the rigidity and bradykinesia, but none in the other signs of the disease. These patients are able to accomplish their daily needs, but two are unable to return to work. The differences which we observed between patients receiving VMA and A transplants, might be related to the heterogeneity of the disease, although we believe that the type of graft was responsible of these differences. Our results with the use of VMA, as well as that of other groups, are encouraging, although it is important to clearly establish that it is a procedure which is still in an experimental phase, requiring caution, and should only be practiced in highly qualified centers of clinical research.