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Centro de Investigación

International literature reports a prevalence of 50% of thyroid nodules detected during autopsies of subjects without known thyroid disease. Currently there are no studies of this type in Mexico. The aim was to identify the prevalence of thyroid nodules in autopsied bodies without known thyroid pathology. A series of cases of 300 cadavers without known thyroid pathology, from which we obtained their thyroid glands. It was analyzed the presence of thyroid nodules as well as their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. 300 autopsies were included. 123 cadavers (41%) presented thyroid nodules; 69 were men (56%) and 54, women (44%). The mean age was 37 ± 14 years. A total of 149 nodules were found, out of which 94 were solid nodules (63%), and 55 were cystic (37%). Histopathological diagnosis of malignancy was found in 12 of the analyzed thyroid glands (4%). There was a greater prevalence of thyroid nodules in men and in subjects whose age at the time of dying was 45 years or less, unlike what is found in the international literature. We consider necessary to create screening programs for early diagnosis of thyroid nodules.

Dra. Fuentes Orozco C.


Dr. Gonzalez Ojeda A.


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