High blood pressure is one of the most common chronic conditions worldwide. It affects one in every 3 adults over 40, while one in 10 suffers from diabetes. For both diseases, adherence to pharmacological treatment is over 30%, and self-management, which takes into account diet and physical activity, is still unknown, as there is no tool available to measure self-management. Therefore, the object of this study was to adapt and validate the Spanish version of the self-management profile for type 2 diabetes (SMP-T2D) questionnaire in patients with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure among users of first level care in the social security institution of Mexico. The SMP-T2D was adapted to Spanish by translation into Spanish, and being used only in patients with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes-hypertension. A convergent and discriminatory validation was performed. Patients over 50 years old with high blood pressure were include. Those that did not complete the questionnaire or give informed consent were rejected. The Spanish version of the SMP-T2D was called PAG-DT2+HTA, and was applied to 145 people with hypertension: 54.4% with hypertension only, and 43.6% with hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Mean age was 66.14 years (SD=10.78), with 34.7% women and 65.3% men. Internal consistency by α-Cronbach for the questionnaire was 0.561 (P=.000). The correlation between the PAG-DT2+HTA and Morisky-Green was significant. The ability to discriminate between people with and without education and with and without economic means was obtained. The Spanish version of SMP-T2D (PAG-DT2+HTA) that measures self-management in type 2 diabetes, can be used to measure self-management in people with type 2 diabetes-hypertension. Copyright © 2017 SEH-LELHA. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.