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Centro de Investigación

The aim of the study was to determine the ocular safety of a single intravitreal dose of triamcinolone acetonide (IVTA) in dogs. Eleven healthy dogs received a single IVTA injection (8 mg) through the mid-temporal pars-plana of the left eye (OS) using a 27G needle. The dogs were re-evaluated immediately post-IVTA, every 5 min until pre-IVTA values had returned, then daily for 3 days, weekly for 1 month and monthly for 3 months. Immediately post-IVTA, all the treated eyes showed a rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) with a mean value of 41.8+/-8.9 mm Hg. The IOP values then decreased progressively to 14.5+/-2.1 mm Hg at 12.2+/-3.8 min post-IVTA. From then on, normal IOP values were maintained throughout the 3-month monitoring period. The most frequently observed clinical sign post-IVTA was conjunctival hyperaemia. The presence of triamcinolone acetonide in the vitreous was observed in all subsequent examinations of 10/11 eyes and there were still triamcinolone crystals in 5/11 eyes after 90 days. It was concluded that intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide in dogs is feasible under sedation. The immediate increase in IOP post-IVTA is short-lived and pressure quickly returns to pre-IVTA levels.

Mtro. Gallardo Montoya J.


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