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This paper presents the first proteome network map for the sarcoplasmic fish proteome. A total of 183 non-redundant annotated proteins were identified in a shotgun proteome-wide analysis from 15 different fish species. The final protein compilation was investigated by integrated in-silico studies, including functional GO term enrichment, pathways studies and networks analysis. An in-silico interactomics map was built up merging all the identified proteins. The whole confidence network contains 84 nodes and 279 interactions. Most of the sarcoplasmic fish proteins were grouped under pathways and networks referring to energy, catabolism and lipid metabolism. As a new potential nutritional ingredient valuable bioactive peptides were also predicted after an in-silico human gastrointestinal digestion. As is presented in this study, the integrated global proteomics results and the bioinformatics analysis of the sarcoplasmic fish proteome show the feasibility of this approach to provide a comprehensive knowledge of this fraction since a functional and nutritional point of view. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Mtro. Gallardo Montoya J.


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