Two-base substitutions at each of two nucleotides in the factor IX gene (F9), but not part of CpG dinucleotides, were recently reported in a small population sample collected in Mexico, a significant observation of recurrent sites ("hotspots") of mutation (P=0.00005). When these new data were combined with previously collected mutation data into two progressively larger and inclusive Latin American samples, additional mutations were observed at one recurrent site, nucleotide 17747, and an additional recurrent nucleotide was observed such that the recurrent nucleotides in these larger samples were also significant (P=0.0003 and 0.0003). In contrast, in three non-Latin American control samples, there was at most only one nucleotide that recurred only once, most likely a chance recurrence (P>/=0.5). When the significance of substitutions was analyzed at each recurrent nucleotide individually, nucleotide 17747 was shown to be a significant recurrent nucleotide by itself in all the Latin American population samples (P