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Centro de Investigación

Cholesterol is a precursor of steroid hormones and an essential component of the cell membrane; however, altered regulation of the synthesis, absorption and excretion of cholesterol predispose to cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic origin. Despite the recognition of historical events for 200 years starting with Chevreul naming "cholesterine"; later on, Lobstein coining the term atherosclerosis and Marchand introducing it, Anichkov identifying cholesterol in atheromatous plaque, and Brown and Goldstein discovering LDL receptor (r-LDL), as well as the emergence of different drugs such as fibrates, statins and cetrapibs during this decade promising to increase HDL, and the most recent, ezetimibe and anti-PCSK9 to inhibit the degradation of r-LDL, morbidity has not been reduced in cardiovascular disease. To date, the controversy continues regarding the best and appropriate medical therapy for hypercholesterolemia; likewise, there is the recommendation of a healthy dietary content regarding the amount of sugar as well as the type of fats, either saturated or polyunsaturated. Together, control of circulating cholesterol, amelioration of hypertension, regulation of diabetes, and dietary recommendations might prevent atherosclerosis. Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular disease; Hypercholesterolemia; Lipoproteins; Statins.

Dra. Basurto Acevedo M.


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