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Centro de Investigación

It is now generally accepted that the primary goal of osteoporosis management is to prevent fractures, which is accomplished by stopping bone loss and improving bone strength. Elderly postmenopausal women show a high prevalence of osteoporosis which in turn increases the risk of fracture. Men suffer of osteoporosis when either cortisone therapy is used or long periods of immobility. Antiresorptive drugs and bone anabolic are the two types for pharmacologic treatment; calcium and vitamin D should be considered adjuvant therapy for all individuals. Choice of treatment depends of age, the presence of fractures, and the degree of bone mineral density measured at the spine and hip. The main inconvenient for the adherence of treatment is the high cost of the medicaments as well as the poor information given to the patients. Probably one of the single most important factor for administering therapy for a condition that is largely asymptomatic is the patients compliance with the regimen that has been selected. Key words: osteoporosis, bisphosphonates, raloxifene, parathyroid hormone, estrogens, bone mineral densitometry.

Dra. Basurto Acevedo M.


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