The progress of growth and follicular maturation require the participation of several modulators of growth, like gonadotropins, hormonal steroids, interleucins and growth factors, in this case, we are working with the aspects related with mitosis and the differentiation of the cellular components of the follicle, by means of autocrins and/or paracrins action. Sinergical action of growth, factors (EGF, TGF alpha, TGF beta, FGFs and IGFs) stimulating mitosis, is given by one mechanism of mutual reinforcing of its activities, besides of their interaction with gonadotropins and hormonal steroids favoring the proliferation and cytodifferentiation of follicle by stimulation of production and activation of steriodogenesis enzymes and the use of cholesterol coming from high and low density lipoprotein (LDL and HDL), controlling in this way the disponible cholesterol, that is the common substrate for steroids hormonal produced by teca and granulosa cells during the follicular maturation.