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Beta-2 Human papillomaviruses 38b, 107, and 122 have been frequently found in cervical cancer samples in western Mexico. Because their E6/E7 genes functions are not fully elucidated, we deepen into their transformation capabilities. To achieve this goal, primary human fibroblasts (FB) were transduced with E6/E7 genotype-specific viral particles. Additionally, E6/E7 from HPVs 16 and 18 were included as controls. All E6/E7-cell models increased their lifespan; however, it is important to highlight that FB-E6/E7-122 showed growth as accelerated as FB-E6/E7-16 and 18. Furthermore, both FB-E6/E7-38b and 122 exhibited abilities to migrate, and FB-E6/E7-122 presented high invasive capacity. On the other hand, ΔNp73 expression was found in all cell models, except for FB-pLVX (empty-vector). Finally, RNAseq found differentially expressed genes enriched in signaling pathways related to cell cycle, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and cancer, among others. This study shows for the first time, the great transformative potential that genotypes of the Beta-2 also possess, especially HPV122. These Beta-2 HPVs can modulate some of the genes that are well known to be regulated by Alpha-HPVs, however, they also possess alternative strategies to modulate diverse signaling pathways. These data support the idea that Beta-2 HPVs should play an important role in co-infections with Alpha-HPV during carcinogenesis.Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Dra. Aguilar Lemarroy A.


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