Meckel's diverticulum is the most common congenital anomaly in the small intestine, which results from incomplete obliteration omphalomesenteric duct, usually the diagnosis is incidental, rarely reaching with bleeding, obstruction, diverticulitis or in rare cases a neoplasm. Clinic case: 67 year old woman that started her condition with urinary symptoms (dysuria, frequency, bladder tenesmus and pushing), within the study protocol a cystogram was performed and demonstrated a defect in the bladder dome edges with compression effect, the computed tomography reported a bladder infiltrating hypodense lesion, which is decided to resect finding Meckel's diverticulum with a tumor that infiltrates the bladder dome, the histopathological confirmed the diagnosis shown free edges but insufficient, which need a reintervention to increase margins; all the extension studies shown without tumor activity. Mucoproductor adenocarcinoma derived from a Meckel's diverticulum is a clinical entity that because of its nonspecific symptomatology and variability of presentation, is diagnosed incidentally on radiological images. The disease has a high mortality rate and a low prevalence.